All posts by : FunnyWill.

The Ultimate Guide to Guest Posting

The Ultimate Guide to Guest Posting in 2020
Guest blogging services can get a bad rap. Some fear they are too spammy may cost a lot, and are low quality. Still, guest blogging has survived the many changes that digital marketing has undergone over the years and is…Read more

Best Strategies To Improve Your SEO Content Game

Best Strategies To Improve Your SEO Content Game This 2020
Google is continually evolving, getting smarter and smarter by offering relevant, high-quality, up-to-date, and reliable results to its users.  Its current algorithm iterations can now track plagiarized content, over-optimized anchor text, keyword completion, poor on-page and off-page SEO, poor mobile…Read more

How to Create an SEO-Boosting XML Sitemap

How to Create an SEO-Boosting XML Sitemap
While Google and other search engines are getting better at finding pages on their own, sitemaps still help by giving you more data about your web pages. There are many XML sitemap generators available for purchase, or even free of…Read more
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